In the past two months, Alice and I have done a lot of travelling. Did I mention that I hate travelling? It's worth emphasizing. I hate the car, I hate being in a carrier in the car and I hate that Alice blames me and hates me every time we travel. But, as I'm only 14 pounds and have run out of places to hide, travel is beyond my control.
For the end of May and most of June we stayed with our grandfather in Grimsby. He was nice enough and pet us a lot, but he doesn't understand girls very well. And although hussy Alice wasn't above it, I certainly wasn't about to sleep in his snorey bed.
We came home for two weeks, and then for Canada Day we headed off to freakin' Grimsby again. Although, I must admit, I do enjoy our visits outside on the leash. Cat mint and birds o' plenty. Prrrrrrr.....
We're finally settling in at home again but the bloody heat is wearing on me. Our person has a crap air conditioner that cools off about 1 square metre of space. I am forced to spend most of my day lying under her bed.
And you know how I absolutely LOVE eletricial cords? Well, today I started to play with one and didn't realize it was attached to a fan. The whole damn thing fell over and nearly killed me. Did I mention that I hate fans too? Not as much as travelling, but it's a close second. They're big, they're noisy and they scare the crap out of me. It's time I looked into buying my own condo.
Off to check MLS!